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/ University of Vermont Collaboration

Migration of Path Integral Quantum Monte Carlo Software

Tuesday, November 17 4:30 pm EST
Passcode: 759941

The efficiency of the Path Integral Quantum Monte Carlo (PIMC) algorithm, and in general any Monte Carlo technique, relies on the performance of the used pseudo-random number generator (pRNG). This includes both statistical quality and time efficiency. The choice of pRNG is more important in high-performance computing as time and resource allocation are often not unlimited. In this work, we have created a header-only pRNG library that provides an extensible interface to a number of modern pRNG engines. To benchmark, we simulate the state of a harmonically trapped quantum particle, establish its agreement with known theoretical results, and compare the speed of three modern pRNG engines.

University of Vermont
Materials Science
Saheed Ajibade
PhD student, University of Vermont
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